I have listed the True frequencies in cycles per second
to correspond with other natural phenomena, brain waves, for instance.
All brains, human and otherwise, oscillate at these frequencies. With the
human brain there are precisely three octaves of "Delta", a smooth sine
wave, followed by one octave of "Theta", a very different sharp wave with
spikes instead of smooth hills and valleys, then, one octave of "Alpha",
another smooth sine wave with REM dreams occurring at 10 CPS. The octave
jump to "Beta" waves, again a sharp spiky wave, is the moment of awakening.
Conscious awareness is in Beta. Your eyes open at about 20 CPS. The Electromagnetic
wave chart is continued from these natural beginnings through Gamma waves.
Our window to the universe, visible light, is precisely one octave in about
the middle of the spectrum in a vast sea of radiation. | SOUND WAVES
The sound wave chart uses these natural
frequencies and the natural harmonic relationships rather than the "justified" modern scale.1CPS to 15 CPS are sub-audible just as 1 to 15 CPS brain waves are
subconscious.There are about 10 octaves audible and about 5 octaves ultra-sonic.
Try to read these charts as if they were superimposed
over each other. Realize that any position on any chart has a corresponding
position on all the other charts. Each musical note, for instance, has
a corresponding color, element, energy center in the human body, and electromagnetic
frequencies that it resonates with. Brainwaves of a specific frequency,
for instance, may be induced by sounds, colors, elements, and electromagnetic
fields that are in harmonic relationships. Alchemical reactions may be
enhanced in a similar manner. | ELEMENTAL WAVES
The standard Periodic Table of Elements shows the chemical attributes of the electron shell, my
chart shows the alchemical attributes of the nucleus. The Human Energies chart shows the correspondence
of different subtle energy systems to the other domains. Our bodies and brains tend to entrain with
these subtle energies and vibrations from the other domains. Cross referencing between different charts
yields interesting results. A musical melody may be decoded into a chemical
formula. A molecular substance may be interpreted as a musical melody.
These harmonic relationships are present in all of reality. If you look
for them you will find that many common objects display secrets that would
be hidden without this basic understanding.Understanding
that these octaves of reality extend from sub-atomic particles through
the electromagnetic spectrum to the chemical elements to sound waves and
brain waves and that each of these facets relate harmoniously to each other
is the beginning of a new wisdom. |